second hospice in rue d’Accolay - 2
The Senne covered over - started
Jacques Franck
House of the Blind - Low Wall K1
War Tree/Stone
Whirling Ear
Charles de Coster at the Lakes



<< Countries

Henri Alexis Brialmont

Henri Alexis Brialmont

Born Venlo, Holland. He specialised in the construction of forts, building Antwerp's walls and satellite forts in 1860-4, and was the first in Europe to introduce armour-plated forts.

War dead, Armed Forces, Politics & Administration, Netherlands

2 memorials

Neel Doff

Neel Doff

Born in Buggenum, Holland. The third in a poor family of 9 children, she educated her brothers and sisters. She had an extremely difficult early life, including prostitution to help support the f...

War dead, Literature, Netherlands

2 memorials

Edward Douwes Dekker

Edward Douwes Dekker

Dutch writer, pseudonym "Multatuli". His great work was the novel, "Max Havelaar", a scathing satirical attack on colonial policies in the Netherlands East Indies. It ultimately provoked a dramat...

War dead, Literature, Netherlands

1 memorial

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