La Cité Jouët-Rey
Frère-Orban at the US embassy
Leopold II bust in Duden Park
Gendarmerie War Memorial
Julio Cortàzar
Lieutenant General Tombeur
Arnaud Fraiteur

Memorial Types

Joost Van Den Vondel

Joost Van Den Vondel

1000, rue de Laeken, 146

This 19th century theatre has been undergoing renovation for at least a year and is not due to come out from under wraps until July 2003 so we deci...

1 subject commemorated

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Jean-Jules Linden

Jean-Jules Linden

1000, Parc Leopold, just inside the entrance to the grounds of the zoological museum, from the park.

It's a sort of rule of necessity that the photographs on this site show the memorial "as found" on the day, whatever the weather, whatever the situ...

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator

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Almeida Garrett

Almeida Garrett

1060, rue de Savoie junction rue de Lombardie

1 subject commemorated

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Arthur de Greef bust

Arthur de Greef bust

1060, square Baron A Bouvier

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator

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Leopold II bust in Duden Park

Leopold II bust in Duden Park

1190, Duden Park, formal garden in the north section

He has a splendid view of his master creation - the Palais de Justice, but then, so has most of Brussels.

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator

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