Ernest Slosse
J.H. Rosny
The Belgian Dynasty and the Congo
Charles de Coster at the Lakes
Vesalius at rue des Minimes
Brussels Free University at rue des Sols
Edgar P Jacobs



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King Leopold II

King Leopold II

Leopold's cruel exploitation of the Congo was carried out in his name and under his instruction. It seems nobody can find anything nice to say about Leopold II. A society lady is quoted as descr...

War dead, Colonisation, Royalty, Congo

9 memorials

General Storms

General Storms

Active in the colonisation of the Congo and in anti-slavery campaigns.

War dead, Colonisation, Congo

1 memorial

General Albert Thys

General Albert Thys

Born: Dalhem. King Leopold II sent him to England to propose to Stanley a new expedition in central Africa. Thys went himself to the Congo in 1887 and introduced the railway as an aid to the ex...

War dead, Colonisation, Congo

1 memorial

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