
Jacques Brel Jacques Brel

Credit for this entry to:
Elisabeth Janssens

Plaque: Jacques Brel

From the state of the plaque there seems to be some dispute about whether "encore" should have that last "e" or not. "Encor" is an archaic, poetic form of "encore" ("still"), but archaic is one thing Brel is not. Our French consultant, Jean-Michel Pochet, explains that "encor" is written to provide a masculine rhyme with "la mort".

Site: Jacques Brel (1 memorial)

1030, ave du Diamant, 138

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Jacques Brel

Information Subjects commemorated

Jacques Brel

Born Brussels. Songwriter/singer of French chanson. Died of lung cancer in ...

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